CIR Aero, member of the workgroup for the 27th CEFIC
On October 15th, CIR Aero was part of a workgroup focused on aeronautics, organized by the DGAC (Direction générale de l’Aviation civile) and MINPROMTORG (Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation) in order to prepare for the 27th Franco-Russian CEFIC (Conseil économique, financier, industriel et commercial).
What is the CEFIC ?
The strengthening of relations between France and Russia comes from an institutional framework for bilateral cooperation set up at the highest level.
The « governmental seminar » brings together prime ministers and ministers from both countries. Its decisions are prepared by the CEFIC, directed on one side by the Director of External Relations of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry and on the other side by the Vice Minister of Economical Developement and Trade.
The CEFIC meets annualy, preceded by meetings of twelve sectoral working groups. The main difficulties arising in the various fields covered by the working groups are argued within the CEFIC. Only the main subjects are discussed at the governmental seminar.
Represant of compagnies can be invited to this workgroups. Some specific topics can be disccused to solve investment problems.
The 2018 CEFIC main goal was to deepen the existing economical relations between France and Russia, based on their strategic partnerships, but also to launche new cooperations. It is a high-level dialogue between ministers and business communities in both countries. Ministers and leaders of French and Russian companies exchange on the possible cooperation projects, most particuraly on the economic responses to climate change.
The aeronautic workgroup
On the workgroup based on aeronautics, Yannick PERIGAULT, head of CIR Aero and Elizaveta CEPENDIUC, sales representative, had the honor to present CIR Aero to :
- Adrien DANIERE, President of Nauka Innov, innovation center of technological coopération of “CCI France Russie”,
- Petr PUNCHENKO, Third secretary of the Russian Ambassady in France,
- Alexander GUTIANKO, Commercial representant of the Russian Federation in France.
The occasion to exchange with them on commercial possibilites between France et Russia in the aeronautic sector.